Nov 9, 2022Liked by Aravind

The best summary I’ve seen on this topic. Thank you

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The oceans are quite obviously undersampled, yet they have 1,000 times the heat cpacity of the atmosphere and 100,000 times as much water. (Schmitt, R.W., 2018. The ocean’s role in climate. Oceanography, 31(2), pp.32-40. ) When will we learn that to understand weather on the Blue Planet, you have to look at the blue! https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/579694-climate-infrastructure-for-the-ocean/

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Aravind

Very insightful article on the total ecosystem of weather forecasting and observation system.My personal belief is that weather will dictate all decision making in personal life as well as in business and governance. As long as it's available for public good it will not be utilised.Concerted efforts are needed to make people understand to integrate weather in their all decision making.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Aravind

Great article. Commons issue is severely limiting growth of specialized companies, especially in space (I believe Spire booked $8M total for RO revenue and they have 25% market share). Verticalization is required to reach scale as customers willing to pay for weather information generally want insights.

The plus side is depth of the stack allows for a-lot of disruption - Atmo.ai for example is applying AI to improve NWP models.

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Thanks, Noah. I agree, there are several improvements possible and definitely specific to industries. I missed Atmo - thanks for the mention. Cheers!

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Very insightful. Thanks!

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