✍️ What’s in the free newsletter?
Every Monday …
A weekly newsletter with a curated summary of developments in Earth Observation along with insights and analysis on the evolution of the EO sector called “Last Week in Earth Observation.”
Check out past editions below.

Occasionally …
A deep dive on specific market segments within Earth Observation or a long-form piece with case studies demonstrating the value of satellite data.
Some of the most-read deep dives:
- The State of Earth Observation for Climate: 2023 Edition
- Demystifying Weather from Space
- The State of Commercial Earth Observation: 2022 Edition
🔒 What’s in the paid newsletter?
As of August 2024, there are over 250 paid subscribers to the newsletter and receive exclusive content.
- Exclusive deep dives (every two months)
- Topics: EO for emissions monitoring, carbon monitoring, wildfire monitoring, biodiversity monitoring, weather forecasting, and more.
- Investment reports (every six months)
- Investment trends in EO and EO-related companies from the past half-year,
- Major trends and announcements from the past half-year.
Check out our premium insights here!

👥 Who reads TerraWatch Space?
The free newsletter readers include professionals in the Earth observation sector, space agencies, end-users of EO (from sectors such as climate, insurance, finance, agriculture, mining, energy, utilities, and sustainability), investors, policymakers and some general EO enthusiasts.
🌍 Where do the readers come from?
As of August 2024, the TerraWatch Space newsletter is read by over 12,000 subscribers from 152 countries, with a 53% open rate and 8,000 views per post.

Founder, TerraWatch Space
If you want to connect, please reach out on LinkedIn or Twitter.